Data Policy

What is GDPR?

In 2016, the European Commission approved and adopted the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR is a significant change in data protection regulation in the EU and replaces the existing legal framework (the Data Protection Directive and the various member state laws). It came into effect on May 25, 2018.

Why is GDPR important?

GDPR brings forth a host of fresh rights and responsibilities concerning the safeguarding of individuals’ processed data. Its overarching goal is to bolster and harmonize data protection for individuals by ramping up enforcement efforts and establishing a graduated penalty system for breaches. We’ve thoroughly examined the regulations and protocols and are actively implementing the necessary measures to achieve compliance.

What has Realty Revolve done to comply with GDPR?

Our compliance and information security teams have collaborated to ensure our services comply with GDPR regulations. After reviewing our data processing operations, we’ve made necessary adjustments to our products and services. Notably, we’ve updated our GDPR Rights Disclosure. (also known as Realty Revolve, including its subsidiaries and affiliates) maintains these GDPR Rights Disclosures to complement our Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. These disclosures specifically pertain to individuals residing in the European Economic Area (EEA). They offer additional insights into how Realty Revolve collects, uses, and discloses personal information, as defined under GDPR, for EEA residents using our website. Should you have any inquiries regarding these disclosures, please contact us at Please note that Realty Revolve retains the right to modify the provisions of this GDPR Rights Disclosure without prior notice. The date of the latest version will be indicated at the top of this page. We encourage you to periodically review this page to stay informed about any changes that may affect you.

What is Personal Data?

Under the GDPR and as defined in these Disclosures, “Personal Data” refers to information pertaining to an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes data that can directly or indirectly identify an individual, such as a name, identification number, location data, web-based identifier, or specific factors related to a person’s physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity. However, Personal Information excludes the following: (i) company registration numbers or generic company email addresses, (ii) aggregated or anonymized data that cannot be linked to you, and (iii) certain information processed by Realty Revolve as a “service provider” solely on behalf of its business customers. Realty Revolve may be accountable under the GDPR as the “controller” of your Personal Data.

What Personal Data is Collected?

Realty Revolve may gather certain Personal Data about you in connection with your or your company’s utilization of the Website or the Services. Please refer to the Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for more details regarding the information collected by Realtyy Revolve, including your Personal Data. To understand how you can limit the information collected by Realty Revolve during your use of the Website, please review the aforementioned policies. In the past 12 months, Realty Revolve has collected the following categories of Personal Data:
  • Individual Identifiers: This includes names, street addresses, email addresses, and similar information directly collected from you or indirectly obtained through Realty Revolve’s partners, suppliers, or third parties authorized by you to share information.
  • Employment Application or Recruitment Records: To a limited extent, Realty Revolve may collect special categories of information under the GDPR, such as race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or biometric data, only if provided by you during the employment application or recruitment process with your explicit consent. This information is used solely to assist Realty Revolve in monitoring its commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Professional Records: This category encompasses business and employment records, as well as other professional information like current occupation, job title, employer, and industry. Such data may be directly collected from you or indirectly acquired through Realty Revolve’s partners, suppliers, or authorized third parties.
  • Other Personal Data: This includes Personal Data identified in service requests to Realty Revolve, social media content, and other public communications. Realty Revolve may gather this information from public sources, directly from you, or indirectly through its partners, suppliers, or authorized third parties.
  • Cookies and Other Network Information: Information derived from your authorized preferences and generated through your use of the Website, such as analytics data on your Website activity. Realty Revolve may collect this data from your browser or device through the use of cookies.
  • Geolocation Data: This refers to your general geographic location based on log data, which Realty Revolve may collect from your browser or device.
  • Sensory Information: Notes, recordings (with your consent), or other data from phone calls, remote conferences, virtual meetings, or any audio files, images, or video footage
provided by you directly to Realty Revolve. Please note that Realty Revolve is committed to handling your Personal Data responsibly and in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

How is Personal Data Used?

Under the GDPR, Realty Revolve is only permitted to use your Personal Data if there is a valid reason for doing so. Realty Revolve may utilize the Personal Information listed above for the following business purposes:
  • Providing or managing your access to the Services and any Website services, if applicable.
  • Auditing transactions conducted using the Services and managing Reality Revolve’s relationship with you, your company’s clients, or platform users.
  • Communicating with you via email, phone, push notifications, social media, or the Website.
  • Operating, evaluating, securing, enhancing, and improving Reality Revolve’s business, the Services, Website services, and related products, services, or features.
  • Recognizing you and recalling your information upon your return to the Website or when accessing or using the Services.
  • Curating and managing marketing campaigns and related business activities.
  • Debugging the intended functionality of the Website or the Services.
  • Conducting tests, training, research, analysis, and product development that supports the Website or the Services.
  • Preventing, detecting, and responding to system breaches or other security events.
  • Defending, protecting, or enforcing Reality Revolve’s rights under any applicable agreements, terms, or conditions to which you or your company may have agreed.
  • Complying with legal process and any applicable legal or regulatory requirements.
  • Fulfilling rights, enforcing obligations, and performing permitted activities within the scope of any applicable agreements, terms, or conditions Reality Revolve may have with you or your company.
Please be assured that Reality Revolve is committed to using your Personal Data responsibly and in compliance with relevant agreements and regulations.

When is Personal Data Disclosed?

Reality Revolve may disclose certain Personal Data about you or your company’s utilization of the Website or Services. Please refer to the Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for more details regarding the information collected by Reality Revolve, including your Personal Data. To understand how you can limit the information collected by Reality Revolve during your use of the Website, please review the aforementioned policies.

What Are Your Rights?

As a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), which includes countries like Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden, you may have the right to exercise various rights regarding your Personal Data collected by Reality Revolve. These rights are subject to certain limitations under applicable law. To make a request to exercise these rights, please contact Reality Revolve in writing by emailing with the subject line “EEA/GDPR Rights Request,” and specify your country of domicile. Reality Revolve may need to verify your identity before processing your request, which may involve requiring you to log into your account or providing additional Personal Information. The rights you may be eligible to exercise include:
  • The Right to Access: You can request copies of all your Personal Data held by Reality Revolve, including the specific information collected from or about you and the purposes for which it was collected and used.
  • The Right to Rectification: You can request corrections to any mistakes or discrepancies in your Personal Data held by Reality Revolve.
  • The Right to be Forgotten: In certain circumstances, you may request deletion or restriction of processing of your Personal Data held by Reality Revolve. However, this right may not apply if Reality Revolve is required by law or internal policy to retain your information.
  • The Right to Data Portability: You can request your Personal Data in a format that allows you to transfer it to another data controller of your choice.
  • The Right to Object: You can object to Reality Revolve processing your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes or other legitimate business purposes.
  • The Right to Opt Out of Automated Decision Making: You have the right to not be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, if it has legal effects or significantly affects you. However, Reality Revolve does not make such decisions based solely on automated processes that have legal effects on individuals in the EEA.
When making a request, please specify the Personal Data you wish to access, correct, delete, or export, along with the reasons for your request. Reality Revolve is committed to handling these requests in accordance with GDPR regulations and applicable laws.

How to File a GDPR Complaint?

While Reality Revolve endeavors to address any inquiries, concerns, or requests related to the collection and usage of your Personal Data (please reach out to, the GDPR grants you the right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority in the EEA state where you work or reside, or where any potential violation of your GDPR rights occurred. We reserve the right to revise this GDPR Policy at our discretion. Changes will be notified by updating the “Last Updated” date of this policy. Updated versions will be posted on the Site, with immediate effect upon posting. You acknowledge and waive the right to receive individual notice for each alteration.